Saturday, December 26, 2015

Won't let you go

"Dear diary,
I've always thought that everything will change as soon as I meet my life partner. I've believed my life will be more meaningful; because I will be with the person who's daring enough to go the distance with me, the person who's loving enough to share me my dreams and ambitions. Although all of this is a part of Tyler's personality I'm still not leading a peaceful life. I can still feel the pain of all what I'd been through before meeting him despite all of his great efforts to make me forget. I feel lost and it seems to me that I'll never get to know my way back. I'm hurt, and I'm hurting every single person I know. Specially Tyler.

We've known each other for ages. We've been engaged for over a year and he's been trying to fix me sincethen. He's trying so hard to mend my broken pieces because he believes I can be better. He loves me, and he has faith in me. However, I'm not giving him anything in return. I'm not providing him with the care he needs nor the love he deserves.
I'm just sucking happiness out of his life. He used to be everything but miserable, but now he is miserable because of me. I love Tyler so much, and maybe that's why I should let him go."
She puts down her pen, rolls her body into bed and continues crying. 

"Dear Lexie, 
I've been thinking about what you said when we met two days ago and here's what I've come up with: you're an idiot. I should've told you this as soon as you said you wanted to break up with me. 

You think you're too messed up and that's why you want to walk away? You think you're making me unhappy and sorrowful? You think I deserve a better person than you? For god's sake Lexie, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I can still remember the first time I met you on my sister's birthday. It took me ten seconds to realize you were different, and a few more to realize I was dazzled. 

There's nothing that I hate about you. I love your flaws as much as I love your strengths because my love to you is unconditional. Because all of your imperfections are like small clouds in the sky; whenever they try to hide the shining sun they make the sky look more beautiful. Because all of your imperfections are nothing if compared with only one of your excellences: your smile that is more splendid than a thousand glowing stars and your sparkling eyes that reflect a whole universe. 

Your outgoing nature and your love to people. Your childish acts and your funny jokes. The way you try to hide your smile when you act like you're mad at me. The way you try to cheer me up on my worst days. When you give me your ultimate support. When you make me believe in myself because you have faith in me. Now tell me, how can I ever let you go? 

Everybody is messed up in their own way, Lexie. I'm messed up too, but the way we're both messed up just fits. That's why we should stick to each other. I love you, and I know you love me. So let's fight for what we deserve together, because I swear; struggling had never been that easy until I was granted you. I'm never giving up on you; you're a once in a lifetime gift that I will never give away."
He puts the letter on her doorstep, rings the bell and hides. She opens the door and sees the letter's envelope, on which "I won't let you go" has been written. She smiles. She's never wanted to let him go either.